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Back in mid 2020, I took a walk to see my friend the Mayor. I had gone to the mayor's home to present him with a a little doll, the Nino Santo de Atoche. I was told that he isn't home. This saint is who the. Its not simply LA politicians who are the problem, its Bad managers and corrupt employees who are not held accountable for their actions and terrible decisions, yet are somehow promoted into positions of power when the only thing they know how to do well is kiss rear in ways that people who believe the importance of truth cannot do.
The only way city corruption is maintained is because there exists sociopathic public employees/volunteers/politicians and their friends who finance them politically then prostitute themselves to give their friends favors at the expense of the people and the functionality of the city. They form a Shanghai triad of ass kissing and dirty dealings - a narcissistic coupling of anonymous rich and powerful with trusted public employees who know how to claw their way to the top at any cost. Its effects on employees and the government they are composed and maintained and thus tasked to take care of you have revealed they don't know what they are doing. It creates a toxic system where employees are too scared to complain, because they know what happens to those that do. I had a friend tell me prophetically, it only takes one person to destroy your career.
It's much easier to simply look the other way when the most powerful City Planning Dept in the Country gives out fake CEQA exemptions, and thus risks the effect of corrupt planning to the health and functionality of city streets. A city planner once told me - little homes don't generate revenue (to cover the salaries and other lavish expenses).
The latest scam is to finance developer debt by building publicly paid for but privately owned Public Housing scam paid for by loans PAID FOR BY AN INCREASE OF TAXES ON PROPERTY OWNERS. They'll use the property owner to generate new taxes paid directly to developers who owe a lot of money to their friends, relatives, and the banking system. The people are then responsible for paying the cost of the loan should the developer default. These PSH (Permanent Supportive Housing) structures are owned by private rich and anonymous landlords who can simply get public employees to do whatever they want.
The cost of publicly financed one unit of Solaris PSH houisng is $570,000+ per unit in 2018, what happens to the price in the Age of Covid when they have the law to allow them to receive even more and can determine the prices of the rents they charge taxpayers. Whose going to finance the rent? Property owners. Not only does the public pay for the construction in form of loans to give to developers to control more closed space when there are millions of empty sq. feet ready to be converted. In addition that anonymous developers aren't legally responsible for construction and 55 years of subsidized paid rents to private landlords who aren't legally responsible for their construction. Why would homeowners want to loan money to these people when its unclear how much debt they are in..
There is no amount of bleach on the face of this earth that can ever disinfect the manipulating mouths and lying tongues of corrupted public servants.